Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Neighbors Helping Neighbors!

Many elderly people are quite capable of living on their own well into their later years. But even with the ability to live alone, some measures should be taken to ensure their safety, and to prevent needless accidents and illness from occurring. A driveway or path might need to be cleared. Errands might need to be taken care of and it is easy to run low on food and essentials. A sudden storm might find one out of a vital medication. During a really severe storm an electric outage could put an elderly person, without heat, perhaps without a telephone, in real danger. A phone call, a knock on the door, and some real help might make all the difference for someone, especially someone living alone.

If someone you know is elderly or dependent on life-sustaining or health-related equipment such as a ventilator, respirator or oxygen concentrator, you should make plans now to ensure their needs are met during severe winter weather and possible power outages. Help them stock a home disaster kit including a flashlight and extra batteries, a battery-operated radio, bottled water, non-perishable foods, essential medicines, and extra blankets or sleeping bags. Check on them after a storm or power outage. Register them as a special needs customer with their utility so they will become a priority customer. Notify others who could provide help such as neighbors, relatives, nearby friends and local emergency responders such as the fire department. Have a list of emergency numbers readily available. Have a standby generator or an alternative source of power available. Be aware of the safety rules for its use.

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